data science consulting services

Soothsayer provides premier Data Science Advisory & Solution Development services that transform the way modern organizations operate.

Soothsayer helps forward-thinking companies leverage Artificial Intelligence to explain the unknown, predict the future, and optimize their business. Our strength lies in the ability to build and productize custom algorithms and analytical tools. We are active in R&D and well-versed in disruptive innovations such as Deep Learning, Meta-model-based Simulations, and Natural Language Processing. For companies looking to build Data Science Centers of Excellence, we also provide Corporate Mentorship & Training.

Data Science Consulting

Whether your organization is looking to capture low-hanging fruit, or endeavor into pioneering R&D, Soothsayer can help. Our collaborative methodology, decades of experience, and premier skills in Data Science enable us to build – or help you build – demonstrably valuable solutions to a universe of meaningful problems.

Whether your organization is lacking internal expertise or facing bandwidth issues, Soothsayer can help you develop world-class Artificial Intelligence solutions that gain adoption and deliver results.

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data science consulting services

Strategy & Blueprinting

We help companies build Al roadmaps by identifying a pool of problems specific to your digitalization needs that can be solved using AI. We conduct a thorough assessment of the current state of data and infrastructure at your organization to generate recommendations and prioritize use cases. We provide both short & long-term strategic advice combined with tactical planning to become more data driven in the short and medium term.

Research & Development

When asked the difference between competitors and himself the legendary hockey player, Wayne Gretzky, responded, “I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.” That is what truly innovative companies seek today. They want to gear towards where the industry is going to go, while competitors are still focused on where it has been.

Soothsayer works with forward-thinking companies to develop cutting-edge IP in A.I including enhancing existing products and building new ones from the ground up.

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Center of Excellence

If you are looking to develop a Data Science Center of Excellence, you need a partner who can consult, build solutions, and train your team at the same time. Soothsayer can help with every facet of your strategy and train your team in bleeding-edge skills along the way. Since multiple projects will be identified to complete each year, individual projects can be handled with the appropriate approaches allowing for completion of more projects than if you were handling the process on your own.

ai solution architecture

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